SpamShark by Webhero

Do you find yourself drowning in a sea of spam emails every day? Our SpamShark service can help you cut through the noise and focus on what matters most. With advanced algorithms and machine learning, our service automatically detects and filters out unwanted emails, keeping your inbox clean and organized. Say goodbye to phishing scams, malware, and irrelevant promotions, and hello to a more productive workday.

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SpamShark Filtering powered by SpamTitan

Take Control of your email.

Most everyone would agree that a major benefit of a spam filtering service is the ability for it to block unwanted email and keep your inbox free of potential threats but one of the overlooked benefits is the ability to allow emails that you want to get. Some popular inbox providers will block emails that you want to receive and you have zero ability to manage what is getting blocked or allowed through. SpamShark gives you a management interface to do just that. Take control.
  • Dedicated systems to prevent and protect against unwanted email traffic from reaching your inbox

  • SpamShark blocks more than 95% of unwanted emails, reducing email traffic and saving you time and frustration

  • Total Control. Block emails you don't want to get, allow emails you do want to get.

  • SpamShark delivers the lowest false positive rate of any vendor (1 in 250,000) ensuring delivery of all legitimate email.

Protection from Spam and Viruses

Spam Protection

SpamShark uses several methods of email analysis to protect you from spam, including fingerprinting, rules-based scoring and custom spam filter management. SpamShark’s fingerprinting technology takes a “digital picture” of each message and matches it against known profiles of spam emails to detect unwated email and flag it as spam. In addition, messages are scored against SpamShark’s proprietary database of spam rules, assigning scores to each message based on more than 20,00 unique characteristics of spam and legitimate mail. When a message’s score reaches a defined threshold, it is flagged as spam. For additional email security, SpamShark customers can adjust the level of spam filtering in their inbox, providing control over what messages you receive.

Spam Prevention

At the edge of our network, SpamShark deploys sever layers of technology to prevent spam from entering. RTAP, SpamShark’s proprietary email traffic analysis technology, detects in real-time anomilies in email traffic in order to block incomming connections from spammers. SpamShark uses IP-based authentication to ensure email is coming from a known sender as well as who it claims to be from. SpamShark also employs its own reputation database with lists of the most flagrant spammers to prevent unwanted message delivery.

Signup for Webhero SpamShark Today

Try our spam filtering service today and experience the peace of mind that comes with a clutter-free inbox and knowing that you have complete control of the emails you receive.